Thursday 7 July 2011

my first ever blog post...

I've been thinking about starting a blog for ages and looking at other people's challenge blogs has made me want to have a go at their wonderful challenges - so here goes and watch this space!
The title of the blog took ages to decide but I thought it had to be "it's only a piece of card..." as that's what I keep telling my ladies at the card class I run. I use the phrase whenever they show any hesitation or make mistakes - and now they all use the phrase too! It's catching on....


  1. Welcome to blog land. Good luck with the challenges, it can become very addictive!
    Sarah-Jane xx

  2. Woohoo! Welcome to blogging! Glad to see you posting! :D

    Now I can get to see all the yummy stuff you make... and get tempted by all the pretty stamps! :lol:

